Conditionally add keys to JavaScript objects with the spread operator

Discover how to conditionally add keys to JavaScript objects with the spread operator.
December 26, 2020JavaScript
2 min read

In JavaScript, we can use the spread operator combined with short-circuit evaluation to conditionally add keys to an object.

Let's say that we wanted to build a JavaScript object for querying based on some filtering parameters that don't always exist. We would usually write something like this.

function buildQuery(filters) {
  const queryObject = {};

  if (filters.firstName) {
    queryObject.firstName = filters.firstName;

  if (filters.lastName) {
    queryObject.lastName = filters.lastName;

  if (filters.age) {
    queryObject.age = filters.age;
  return queryObject;

The spread operator combined with short-circuit evaluation help us to simplify our buildQuery function.

function buildQuery(filters) {
  return {
    ...filters.firstName && { firstName: filters.firstName },
    ...filters.lastName && { lastName: filters.lastName },
    ...filters.age && { age: filters.age },

We could also write the buildQuery function using an arrow function.

const buildQuery = query => ({
  ...filters.firstName && { firstName: filters.firstName },
  ...filters.lastName && { lastName: filters.lastName },
  ...filters.age && { age: filters.age },

This technique can also be used outside of a function. Let's say we wanted to conditionally gather React props into an object. We can achieve this quite easily using the spread operator combined with short-circuit evaluation.

const filters = { 
  ...this.props.cuisine && { cuisine: this.props.cuisine },
  ...this.props.category && { category: this.props.category },

This technique can help to simplify your JavaScript or TypeScript code for conditionally building and manipulating objects.

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