Launch Today

Launch Today is a SaaS starter website template. Come up with a Saas idea and launch your MVP on the same day.


The React Framework for the web
Postgres database and image storage
User authentication
React component library
MDX-powered blog posts and pages
Newsletter sign-up
Sell products and subscriptions


Configure it your way

Turn on the features that you want and turn off the ones that you don't need from one central JSON object that manages your site.

Start selling fast

Sell Stripe products on the Products page, or sell Stripe subscriptions from the Pricing page. The Pricing Plans component can be added anywhere you want it.

User accounts

Email, GitHub, and Google authentication is configured for users to log in and manage/cancel their subscription.

A feature-rich blog

An MDX blog with Open Graph social media image generation for blog posts, an RSS feed, social sharing, table of contents, estimated reading time per article, syntax highlighting for code snippets, and links from blog post headings back to themselves.


A newsletter signup component to allow users to sign up to your Mailchimp-powered newsletter.

Configurable pages

An MDX-powered about page, a contact page with a contact form, a portfolio page with configurable portfolio items, a products page to sell Stripe products, and a pricing page to sell Stripe subscriptions.

Customizable layout

Choose from 2 different header components and 3 different footer components.

Customizable landing page

Customize your landing page by using any of the following components: 3 Hero variations, Team, Testimonials, Features, Facts, and Company logos.


Automatic website sitemap generation, dark mode, and Google Analytics integration.

Buy Launch Today now for $14.

Be React Ready

Learn modern React with TypeScript.

Learn modern React development with TypeScript from my books React Ready and React Router Ready.